De-Banking Political Opponents: After “Leftist” Lobbying, German Bank Kills “Anti-Globalist Opposition AfD Donation Account


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Canada yesterday; Germany today; the whole of the West tomorrow.

It’s only a matter of time until de-banking political opponents becomes standard operating procedure in the United States — bastion of Democracy™ that it is.

Via European Conservative (emphasis added):

German bank Berliner Volksbank has closed the donation account of the right-wing antiglobalist opposition party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) following a petition by a group calling itself Grandmothers Against the Right (Omas gegen Rechts).

The group launched their petition in May, stating that the bank, which claims to stand for tolerance and against right-wing extremism, should not be allowed to accommodate an account for the AfD. The organisation handed over 33,500 signatures to the bank on Wednesday, July 3rd, to demand the termination of the account, and after meeting the chairman of the board of directors, Carsten Jung, Grandmothers Against the Right announced that their venture has been successful.”

Via Newsweek, Feb. 15, 2022 (emphasis added):

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday vowed to freeze bank accounts of the truckers protesting his COVID-19 vaccine mandates, while the movement’s fundraising website remained down.

Right-wing Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo remained down and the platform has not said anything for over 24 hours, despite the website and official page for the Canadian truckers appearing to be hacked and non-functional on Monday.

A leak website also said it received a cache of information, including donor details to the Freedom Convoy protest, after the fundraising site was targeted in a cyberattack on Sunday night.

Protesters had raised more than $8 million of funding to support their cause, as they blockade roads in the Canadian capital Ottawa. The protests, which have been associated with the anti-vaccination movement and the far-right*, have gathered momentum all over the world.”

*“Far-right” is now a meaningless expression of disdain for the peasants who challenge state power.

If everyone is “far-right,” no one is “far-right”; the modifier “far” by definition signifies an outlier of some kind when, in fact, the corporate state calls anyone who disagrees with it by the name.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

Featured image: AfD election poster from 2014. The slogan translates as “Washington spies. Brussels dictates. Berlin obeys.” (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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